Saturday, June 28, 2008

Summer In Full Swing!!

It finally feels like summer in Utah! The kids and I have been enjoying all kinds of summer treats! Sleeping late (you know 7:30 or so), loading on sunblock and heading to the pool, and staying up late! Here are some pics of the kids at the pool. Our cute little cousin Malina joined us! Tex was so tired that he fell fast asleep on the beach chair.


Rob, Adrienne, Sam, Ada and Tony said...

That's so cute that Tex just crashed on the chair. I can't wait to take Sam swimming up in Tahoe over the 4th of July. I'm sorry you guys are headed up there anymore. Our meeting date is prolonged :(

Angela said...

Isn't summer fun? I hear ya about the sun block! When we get back from going camping this week we'll schedule a play date for the girls. Kali told me today she would like to do that. (Conner told us Kali was talking to Taylor during sharing time)

Randy, Alanna, Keira, and Braden said...

The kids looked like they were having a blast. We can't wait to come to Bear Lake and play with everyone. We loved the recitals. The kids both did a great job. Let them know how proud we are of them.
Randy and Alanna

LW said...

Wow, i'm so jealous...I need a pool near by - and cute kids to take to it! :) Ur blog is cute, i love the pic of Tex at the top. Cute kids!! Also i need to get your address..and your moms if you have it. Anyhow email them to me if you get a sec ( thanks!)

Lovely Pictures from Little Lime Photography!

We just got some great pictures taken from Little Lime Photography. They are amazing!

Jeffrey Parker

Jeffrey Parker
Our Wee Bear


Wacky Zachy


Our sweet Tay Tay