Friday, April 25, 2008

A Birthday Gift For Mom

This is the following conversation I had with my daughter in the car:

Taylor:  Mom are we going to go shopping for a gift for your birthday?

Me: I don't know.  Why are you going to use your money to buy me a gift?

Taylor:  No!  That is what Dad's money is for!

Zach pipes in:  I am just going to have Dad pick something up for me to give mom.

I agree we should always use dad's money to buy things for mommy!!  Wait...that is my money too!  Zach obviously has already mastered that whole delegation thing.  

1 comment:

Jacqueline Mohamed said...

I found you! By the way, Happy Belated birthday! Hope it was wonderful, you deserve it!
Love ya

Lovely Pictures from Little Lime Photography!

We just got some great pictures taken from Little Lime Photography. They are amazing!

Jeffrey Parker

Jeffrey Parker
Our Wee Bear


Wacky Zachy


Our sweet Tay Tay